Closing the gap between timescales in the laboratory and in the mantle
2022: the Year of Mineralogy
The International Mineralogical Association (IMA) has declared 2022, the Year a Mineralogy
Why 2022 ?
2022 is the bicentennial of the death of René Just Haüy (born 1743) who is a father of modern mineralogy and crystallography
‘Mineralogy 2022’ has been a worldwide celebration of mineralogy to highlight its importance in our everyday lives.
Approved by UNESCO, it is part of the ‘International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development’ (IYBSSD2022).

The opening cerremony of Mineralogy 2022 has been held during the IMA General meeting organized in Lyon from July 18th to July 22nd 2022.

The closing ceremony will take place at the Twenty-Sixth Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, in Melbourne.
Activities were spread over 2022 and 2023.
Activities supported by the French Mineralogical Society SFMC: Here
"Celebrating the International Year of Mineralogy:
Progress and landmark discoveries of the last decades"
(L. Bindi & G. Cruciani, Editors)
The book is available at